RSPN is mandated by its member Rural Support Programmes (RSPs) to leverage the RSPs collective outreach, scale and capacities across the country for new development oriented opportunities. Generally, this leveraging primarily materialises in the form of new partnerships and resources for the RSPs, and in particular situations, RSPN is often called upon to act as a coordinating and fund management agency between the donor and the RSPs. This is so because RSPN provides donor organisations with a one window operation to reach out to multiple RSPs and through them to the largest outreach of any civil society development organization in Pakistan New programmes and projects are managed by the RSPN’s Special Projects Wing.
The Special Projects Wing works with the dual objectives of adding value to RSPN and RSP programmes through programme design and resource mobilisation, and contributing to RSPNs financial sustainability and portfolio diversification. It takes the lead in preparing concept notes and proposals for funding under various government and donor funded programmes and drawing on the expertise and experience available within RSPN and the RSPs. The Special Projects Wing then provides every project with support in management, implementation, monitoring and reporting as per contractual requirements.
Through these measures, the Special Projects Wing ensures that all project management related activities are undertaken in a manner that not only meet contractual requirements, but also delivers quality services to meet project requirements.