Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN), Pakistan

Community Engagement for Promotion of Reproductive Health Rights (RHR) of Youth and Improve their Access to Reproductive Health (RH) Services under Sihat Mand Khaandaan Project

Adolescents and young adults (15 – 29 yrs.) go through crucial physical, mental, emotional, and social transitions. Addressing their issues and needs during this age, through knowledge and skills, is critical in helping them make use of the opportunities and face the challenges they will experience in adult life. Pakistan’s youth constitute68% of the whole population.  Studies show that most young and adolescents ( 14 -24yrs.) reside in rural areas; school dropouts’ rate is 40% (10 – 14yrs.) and 30.14% (15 – 19yrs); child labor is 31.6% (9 – 13yrs.);and child marriages among females is 22% and  27% in male in Pakistan