EU Ambassador His Excellency Mr. Jean-François Cautain, Chairman RSPN Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan and Chairman Planning & Development Board, Government of Sindh Mr. Muhammad Waseem at the launch of the Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh on January 30, 2018 in Karachi.EU Ambassador His Excellency Mr. Jean-François Cautain, Head of Cooperation EU in Pakistan Mr. Bernard Francois, Finance and Contracts Officer EU in Pakistan Mr. Georges Dehoux and CEO RSPN Ms. Shandana Khan in an informal discussion at the PINS launch on January 30, 2018 in Karachi.Islamabad, 30th April to 1st May, 2018: The PINS team hold a consultative meeting with members of the National Agriculture Research Centre with regards to the SBCC tool kit.Islamabad, 30th April to 1st May, 2018: The PINS team meet up with Dr. Nomeena Anis, FAO’s focal person on nutrition and gender to discuss the AFS component of the SBCC tool kit.A member of VO Al-Arshad looks on during a session with the Agricultural Officer on better cultivation practicesCLEWs participate in a demonstration about building climate-resilient cages for poultry that also help curb the spread of diseaseEU Ambassador His Excellency Mr. Jean-François Cautain and CEO RSPN Ms. Shandana Khan shake hand after signing the contract for Expected Result 3 of the Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh on January 30, 2018 in Karachi.Islamabad, 30th April to 1st May, 2018: Members of RSPN’s core team, PIN PMU and ACF work on Social and Behaviour Communication Change (SBCC) tool kit.Ms. Shandana Khan at the signing on the MoU between RSPN and NARC for agriculture-related technical assistanceRSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Participants of the two day RSPs orientation workshop gather for a group photo at the end of the second day.RSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Ayesha Mysorewala (Knowledge Management and Reporting Officer, RSPN) goes over reporting procedures.RSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Members of the Monitoring and Evaluation team present the M&E framework to key staff of RSPs working in PINSRSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Rabab Jafar (Communications Officer, RSPN) explains the different communication and visibility activities in the PINS programme.RSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Rao Ayub (Technical Agriculture Manager, ACF) goes over Agriculture and Food Security intervention under PINSRSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Akbar Raza, (Programme Director, PINS) gives an overview of the different interventions under the PINS programme.Larkana, June 14th, 2018: Members of the PINS team take a tour of a fish farm as part of research.Larkana, June 6th, 2018: Members of the Sindh Rural Support Organisation carry out a dialogue session at a Local Support Organisation introducing Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh.Karachi, May 29th to 1st June 2018: Lead trainer Mr. Victor chats at the participant’s table.RSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Mir Husain Ali, Coordinator to the Chief Minister of Sindh on Nutrition delivers opening remarks.RSPN Orientation Workshop – 27th to 28th Feb, 2018-John Ashley (Principal Food Security Adviser, Counseil Sante), Dr. Nadeem Jan (OEC, FATA), Jennifer Khan (Country Director, ACF), Rabia Rauf (Deputy Technical Coordinator (WASH, DRR & Climate Change, ACF), Muhammed Amir (Head of Programs, ACF) and Jamal Shoro (Programme Manager , SUCCESS-SRSO)Karachi, May 29th to 1st June 2018Karachi, May 29th to 1st June 2018: Participants carry out a role play session on how dietary diversity questionnaires are to be carried out.SACOSAN 7 – 11th to 14th April, 2018-Bashir Anjum presents at the 7th South Asian Conference on SanitationSACOSAN 7 – 11th to 14th April, 2018-Bashir Anjum presents at the 7th South Asian Conference on SanitationSACOSAN 7 – 11th to 14th April, 2018-The panel at the 7th South Asian Conference on SanitationRSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018RSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Khaleel Tetlay (COO, PINS) gives a warm welcome note to the participants of the RSPs Orientation Workshop.Karachi, May 29th to 1st June 2018RSPs Orientation Workshop – 23rd to 24th April, 2018-Participants at the RSPs orientation workshop take part in an activity to introduce themselves to each other.A WASH Officer supervises the construction of a disaster-resilient latrine in a community as a result of targeted sessions to achieve open defecation free (ODF) statusJamshoro, 24th May, 2018: Participants take part in an activity during the 2-day orientation workshop for the Thardeep Rural Development Programme staff.Chairman RSPN Mr. Shoaib Sultan Khan addressing the launching ceremony of the Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh on January 30, 2018 in Karachi.Karachi, 17th May, 2018: In discussion at the coordination meeting between PINS and sector coordinators on AAP on the optimized use of Poverty Score Card data.